Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One Foot Two Foot

Officially back to my pre pregnancy weight. Woo Hoo! My friend was in town for a few days and I was able to get out and walk everyday which was so great since I have two kids at home and can't just GO anywhere when I want to. I started going to the high school track really early in the morning after dragging the girls out of bed. I sit them on the bleachers in the shade while I walk for as long as I can or walk the bleachers. Ah, bleachers. The first time we went to the track the only thing i DID do was walk the bleachers, for 15-20 minutes. Ha. The next day I was hurting. The 2nd day I was suffering. Getting up and down my own stairs at home or just sitting down to pee was a challenge. It was getting back out and walking the track that made all of that go away almost instantly.
So having someone in the house made it possible to just go walking and be back before anybody was even awake! I will miss that. Well, here I am the day after she left and I am here on the computer rather than out walking. LOL Anyway, I've got my old body back, now I'm working on a new one. Working towards 17 more lbs of weight off to meet my new goal.

The girls have been enjoying summer school. It keeps them busy and K is learning tons of stuff in babysitting  and cooking classes. P is in Yoga and Reading. She made those choices but I think she is disappointed. She wanted something livelier and Yoga isn't it but she is still enjoying it as much as she can. What she is in LOVE with is tumbling. Both of them started off in the class but K was not loving it so I let her opt out. P however wants to go two times a week. She is doing really good at it. They also do swimming on Saturdays and they both love that a lot. I'm going to pursue year round swimming for K because she loves it and the only other things SHE loves is reading so I'm happy I found something she really enjoys and could be great in.

I'm doing something for me later today but am having trouble uploading pics at the moment so I will share it later if I can get this figured out.

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